In A Nutshell June 2024

 As we enter the month of June in Minnesota, it's crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in tree care to ensure the health and well-being of our beloved trees.  From pest management to conservation efforts, there are several important updates that every tree owner and enthusiast should be aware of. With changing climate patterns, trees in Minnesota are increasingly vulnerable to drought stress.  Learn how to identify symptoms of drought stress in your trees and implement proper watering techniques to help them withstand dry conditions. Consider mulching around the base of your trees to retain moisture and promote root health. With the increasing frequency of severe weather events, tree risk assessment and management are critical aspects of tree care.  Consult with our certified arborists to evaluate the health and structural integrity of your trees, especially those in close proximity to structures or high-traffic areas.

Prioritize tree maintenance and pruning to reduce potential risks and ensure the safety of your property. When severe weather strikes, prioritize safety and assess trees for damage such as broken branches or uprooted trees. Depending on the severity of the damage, consider pruning or removing storm-damaged trees to prevent further decay and mitigate risks. In emergency situations, contact Total Control tree Service for prompt assistance with tree removal and cleanup. Focus on tree preservation and recovery efforts post-storm, implementing proper watering and maintenance practices to support tree growth and resilience. Consult our certified arborists for professional guidance on tree care maintenance to ensure the health and vitality of your trees.  At Total Control Tree Service we offer 24/7 emergency tree work.

In A Nutshell May 2024

Spring Tree Care Tips

As we welcome the warmer weather and longer days of May, it's the perfect time to focus on the health and beauty of your trees. Now is the ideal time to assess the condition of your trees and provide them with the care they need to thrive throughout the season. Consider scheduling a professional tree inspection to identify any potential issues and develop a maintenance plan. Our experienced arborists are ready to help with your tree trimming and pruning needs. Regular maintenance is essential for promoting healthy growth, improving aesthetics, and reducing the risk of storm damage. With unpredictable weather patterns in spring, it's crucial to prepare your trees for potential storms. We offer tree risk assessments to safeguard your trees and property.

Oak Wilt High Risk

Don’t wound, prune or fell oaks in counties affected by oak wilt during this period. Stearns County is affected by oak wilt. If wounds are unavoidable, cover them immediately with paint or shellac. In Minnesota, the risk of oak wilt is highest from April to July. Risk levels can fluctuate depending on the season and location. Before pruning or causing wounds to oaks, always check the oak wilt risk status for your specific date and area. When in doubt, give us a call to discuss your questions or concerns.

In A Nutshell April 2024

Over ten years have passed since emerald ash borer (EAB) was discovered in St. Paul in 2009. Almost a quarter of Minnesota’s counties have infestations, and all will eventually be infested. With about 16 million ash trees in Stearns County alone it poses a serious threat to our community and rural forests across the county. Infestation in these rural forests bears a significant climate risk and will likely have long-term environmental effects. Be proactive when managing the ash trees in your yard. Ash trees can be treated with an insecticide to prevent emerald ash borer infestation. To be effective, treatments must be repeated every two years for the entire life of the tree. If treated preventatively, it is 98% effective. If not treated, infected ash trees will die. Waiting to remove your tree once it has become heavily infested or dead will be more expensive because brittle ash trees are dangerous to cut down. Most times treating a mature ash tree over the span of 20+ years is cheaper than the cost of removing a dead ash tree.